VITISKIN® is an effective range for pigmentation deficiency. A perfect synergy of ingredients correcting depigmentation (body and face) and helping the skin recover its natural balance.
  • What is hypopigmentation?
  • Mechanism
    Partial or generalized depigmentation (face and body) which affects 0.5% to 2% of the population. Hypopigmentation is defined by the absence of melanin, the destruction of melanocytes and the inhibition of the melanin production.
  • Hypothetical causes:

    • 1) Autoimmune cause:
      Antibodies attack the melanocytes
    • 2) Genetic cause:
      11 genes are associated with non segmental hypopigmentation
    • 3) Environmental cause:
      Melanocytes store free radicals responsible for their destruction: oxidative stres

    • Sans-titre-3
      The most common form. Patches are numerous and symmetrical
    • Sans-titre-2
      Localized hypopigmentation with 1 or 2 patches
    • Sans-titre-1
      The skin is affected almost in its entirety
Our expert advice
Because your skin is unique
  • Contactați medicul dermatolog sau personalul medical to identify the cause of your hypopigmentation
  • Evitați expunerea la soare
  • Use ISISPHARMA sun protection on exposed areas all the year and also to prevent photosensitivity reactions due to specific medicines
  • Folosiți produse de machiaj sau auto-bronzante pentru a acoperi petele care va deranjeaza
  • Evitați fricțiunile pe piele
    • Contactați medicul dermatolog sau personalul medical to identify the cause of your hypopigmentation
    • Evitați expunerea la soare
    • Use ISISPHARMA sun protection on exposed areas all the year and also to prevent photosensitivity reactions due to specific medicines
    • Folosiți produse de machiaj sau auto-bronzante pentru a acoperi petele care va deranjeaza
    • Evitați fricțiunile pe piele
    • Gestionați stresul pentru a evita apariția noile pete albe
Impact on
the quality of life
impact on
the quality of life :

Pacienții suferă de defecte de ordin estetic, cu consecințe psihologice importante:

  • • stres
  • • dezechilibru emoțional
  • • rușine
  • • izolare
  • • stigmat social
    impact on
    the quality of life :

    Pacienții suferă de defecte de ordin estetic, cu consecințe psihologice importante:

    • • stres
    • • dezechilibru emoțional
    • • rușine
    • • izolare
    • • stigmat social